Social And Cultural Factors That Can Influence Your Health

The risk factors that contribute to addiction are biological or environmental, or many different combinations of both types of factors. Addiction is defined as a chronic and relapsing, yet treatable, brain disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite negative or harmful consequences. Drug addiction is considered a brain disease because drugs change the structure of the brain, as well as how the brain works.

In one study, people who lost weight, exercised, and eaten a healthy diet dramatically improved heir A1C levels, a blood test used to check diabetes risk. With heart disease, more than 100 types of genes may play a small role in a person's risk, Lloyd-Jones says. When we describe genes that cause disease, we are really talking about a gene that has a genetic mutation. The gene should help create a normal, healthy state, but a mutation of that gene can cause problems.

These can include unsafe housing, more challenges in getting healthy food, and less time for exercise or physical activity. Having a lower get more info income also affects your ability to have affordable health insurance.

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In contrast, involvement in social networks that are supportive, and where disapproval of drug use is the norm, can protect against drug use. These groups might be sports teams, religious groups, or community groups.

  • Have you ever noticed how some people can drink a caffeinated beverage and it has no effect on them, while others are bouncing off the walls and can’t sleep?
  • Choosing friends who do not use drugs can protect a person from drug abuse and addiction.
  • People have different sensitivities to a drug’s effects—in fact, what one person likes, another may hate.
  • These differences affect the likelihood that someone will continue to take drugs and become addicted to them.

Effortless Health Life Methods - An Introduction

Wellness experts at Cleveland Clinic Center for Lifestyle Medicine within the Wellness Institute have successfully used a system of group-based, hands-on interventions for more than four years. People with higher incomes tend to be healthier and live longer than people with low incomes. They usually have more access to safe spaces for exercise or other activities. People with low incomes are more likely to live in a community of poverty. They are more likely to face situations that can lead to poor health.

Drug addiction is a complex disease that has serious, harmful effects on a person’s health and on his or her social relationships. The answer is not so simple—no single factor determines whether a person will become addicted to drugs. Drug addiction is defined as a treatable brain disease that makes it difficult to resist drug use.

An Introduction To Uncomplicated Advice Of Healthy Habits

It is similar to other diseases, such as heart disease, in that it disrupts the normal, healthy functioning of the organ . Like other diseases, drug addiction can have serious harmful consequences, but it is also preventable and treatable. A few major studies have now shown that the people who drink the most coffee have the lowest risk of dying from several common diseases. The same studies also report a 29–52% lower risk of dying from cancer or heart, kidney, or hormone-related diseases . For example, many studies link a plant-rich diet to a lower risk of premature death, as well as a reduced risk of cancer, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, depression, and brain deterioration .

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